Friday, December 15, 2006

When $6.95 isn't so Free!

I love to listen to sattelite radio. It is a great way to get caught up on the news on the way to the office. It is also a great way to listen to Prudent Money (Sirius) every Saturday morning at 10 am central. (sorry for the plug)

However, I don't like listening to the commercials. It seems that most of these commercials that are aired on Fox and CNBC tell you the lastest way to get rich. This latest and greatest program will give you financial freedom. It is fast and it is easy.

"I made $ 5,000 a month just working part-time. It was easy."

"I applied these techniques for buying and selling real estate and in a few short months was financially independent."

Now these ads are enticing. You desparately want to believe that they are true. I would love to believe that someone was going to plant a money tree in my backyard. However, that is probably not going to happen.

You decide to go ahead and order the book and tape because you have nothing to lose. IT IS FREE!! This is the best part. They are going to give you this tape and book.

However, there is a small shipping and handling charge.

So, I decided to call a few of these life changing program call centers to hear the sales pitch. I called two different call centers. Both of these call centers for two different programs said exactly the same thing and in the same order. Keep in mind, that they were supposedly two different gurus who had written two different books.

Here was the best part of the conversation - What is the shipping and handling? She replies, it is a small charge of $ 6.95. So, let me get this straight. I am going to pay them $ 6.95 for the free items that are worth $ 50?

Here is the real deal -

1) There is no magic solution that is going to make anyone rich over night. If so, everyone would be doing it.

2) Nothing is free

Finally and most important..... This is a heck of a method to sell product. It probably costs a 3 or 4 dollars to make and ship the product. After all of their advertizing is covered, they are probably making a pretty nice little mark-up on that product that they are giving to you for free.

In addition, the free book and tape probably ( this is pure speculation on my part) give you the opportunity to actually buy something from them.

When you hear this sort of thing, just know it is nothing more than a marketing gimic designed to conveniently put dollars in their pocket.