Thursday, September 13, 2007

Remembering 9/11

This week we remember the ones who died 6 years in that tragic and senseless terror attack on our country. It is easy to put this out of our minds, being thousands of miles away from where that tragedy took place. It is easy to feel unconnected and without emotion. We are just watching scenes on television. For most of us, we don’t even know anyone personally who lives with the pain of loss from 9/11.

However, 9/11 stands for so much. In the very least, it shows us that life is fragile and that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. It should show us the importance of family and friends and living in the moment. Most importantly, it should be a symbol of the importance of being right in your relationship with God and focusing on His will.

I hope that you will take the time to remember 9/11 and re-commit to what is truly important in your life.