Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Does Your Advisor Protect You Against Loss or Just Invest for the Long-Term?

What is your investment advisor’s investment strategy? Unfortunately, for most advisors, the strategy is all the same – just buy and hold for the long-term ….no matter what.

If you called your investment advisor over the last few months, I bet I can guess what type of advice you were given.

“Don’t worry we are long-term investors. Markets will go up and markets will go down – however, they always go back up.”

So, why is that the standard line when the market is going down? Why does it seem that most advisors don’t take an active approach when it comes to guarding against investment loss?

The biggest problem with the financial services industry is that the industry is a one-trick pony. The financial services industry can show you all day how to make money. The industry can talk about performance numbers and average annual returns. However, they don’t have a strategy for protecting your money.

They use the misguided concept of “time” as a strategy. As long as you have time on your side, you can weather the storm. A prudent investment approach consists of strategies that will help you grow money and protect money. What I want to suggest to you today is that protecting money is as important to your overall growth as are the strategies for growing it.

If your investment advisor is willing to allow you to continue to take losses and not offer up a strategy for protecting against loss, then consider if those fees you are paying are really worth it. After all, you can invest your money with a no-load mutual fund company for free and just buy and hold with no strategy for the bad times. Investing for growth can be done by most. The value in a financial advisor comes when they are working to protect your money as well.

Copyright © 2008 Prudent Money and Bob Brooks. All rights reserved.