Wednesday, October 25, 2006

New Bible Version Takes Out All References to Money To Make A Point

“A new Bible translation is causing controversy after it cut out difficult parts surrounding economic justice, possessions and money. The new bible version, released by the Western Bible Foundation in the Netherlands, has created a storm by trying to make the Christian gospel more palatable. According to Chairman Mr. De Rijke the foundation has reacted to a growing wish of many churches to be market-oriented and more attractive. "Jesus was very inspiring for our inner health, but we don't need to take his naïve remarks about money seriously. He didn't study economics, obviously." According to De Rijke no serious Christian takes these texts literally.”

This is disturbing.

Let me dissect this one. Christ’s remarks on money were naïve? Christ didn’t study economics? Well Christ didn’t need to study economics and his points about money were very direct and on point. Yes, there are different interpretations based on the meanings of Greek versus how we interpret it today.

This is nothing more than making Christianity easier and watering down what it means to be a Christian. You can't pick and select what should or shouldn't be in the bible. Money is signficant.

Christ was very clear. You cannot have two Gods. You either worship money or God.
Putting money over God is in my opinion the biggest single problem that we have today as Christians. Money has its influence over almost every element of our life. It is easy to put money over God. This is why money is written about more than any other subject in the bible.

Take away the teachings of money and you take away one of the central messages of the bible.

How you manage your relationship with money determines how you manage your relationship with God.