"We, quite frankly, have learned a lesson from last year," Linda Blakley, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman, told USA Today. "We're not afraid to use the term 'Merry Christmas.' We'll use it early, and we'll use it often."
Bill O'Reilly - November 2005 - "I am 100% convinced...that the policy of not advertising, using the words, "Merry Christmas: will hurt the bottom line of these stores. It will hurt their sales."
Is it just me, or is it just to convenient to not have a backbone and do whatever possible to save Christmas retail sales this year?
Wal-Mart has had a teribble year. They have had a tough time hitting sales forecasts. In fact, these are some of the worst sales numbers in 6 years. Last year, they thought it was a great idea to be non-religious specific and instruct their employees to not say Merry Christmas.
To begin with, it was a stupid idea to take this action. Regardless of your religious beliefs, Christmas is a national holiday event. They were very passionate about going this route. Now all of the sudden when sales are declining, Christ makes it back into the stores?
I hope that the rest of America sees this for what it is worth. A company that has no moral backbone. I would have much more respect for Wal-Mart if they had stuck to their guns and their original beliefs back in 2005. Now, they do whatever they have to make sure that sales come through the doors at Christmas. It is a sad representation of what is happening in America.
Maybe next year if sales are better, they can just instruct their employees to say
Merry X-Mas