Wednesday, January 03, 2007
$ 8,680,224,380,086.18 Reasons Why Debt Should be Number 1 commissioned Roper Public Affairs & Media to gauge Americans’ thoughts about New Year’s resolutions. Four out of ten that were surveyed chose losing weight and eating better as the number one resolution for 2007.
Debt reduction came in second.
It gets even better. 48% of those surveyed say that losing ten pounds would be very or somewhat difficult for them in 2007, while 31% say paying off all their credit dcard debt would be difficult. (According to the Press Release)
Denial has taken on a new meaning. Although surveys are a small representation of the opinions and feelings of a large population, it is in many ways representative of the biggest problem in this country. This is a country in denial. As of December 29, total debt in this country amassed $ 8,680,224,380,086.18. Yes that is trillions of dollars.
There was one other little interesting tidbit of information. The jump in debt from December 28th until December 29th was the largest jump on record. (
Since September 2000, the National total debt has jumped 53%. Of that total, personal debt in this country for the same time period jumped 43%.
It just seems like everyone is living in a fantasy world where financial decision making has no consequences.
Maybe the rationale is less time at McDonalds means more money saved to pay off debt and less calories consumed.