These are two examples that came in today of scams that listeners have received:
Example 1
I seem to be getting a lot of emails stating that I have won various lotteries from different countries from the U.K. to South Africa to Nigeria. These emails do not have my name in them, and I believe they are scams. Also, I keep getting emails about jobs in which I would cash checks and keep a percentage of the money and send the money back (usually to someone in another country) by wire transfer. I know these have to be scams, but I am afraid some people may be fooled by them. I almost got fooled by a check-cashing scheme by someone buying some Avon products from me (from my Avon website). Some of the emails sound very legitimate with official-looking information, but I always remember the saying "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." I just wanted to let you know about these check-cashing and lottery scams. I seem to be getting these emails everyday.
Example 2
Caught part of your program on Monday and heard about the check scam. We have heard from a company in London called Long-well Textiles, LTD, and he is describing the same set up. Checks mailed to you, you cash, keep 10% and wire the rest to his account in London. The first envelope arrived today and we declined accepting it and he is most upset and saying it is not a scam. We had found some info on this on the internet, however, we have not located it again.
Please be careful – these scammers are working hard to steal your money!!
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