Monday, December 03, 2007

The Band-Aid Approach Continues

Who am I to criticize? I have no idea as to how I would handle this mortgage/credit/real estate mess. Being in a leadership position is a tough one today.

Let’s look at who is really responsible for this mess. Well, you could blame Greenspan. You could even start to fault Bernanke and Paulson to a degree with their extremely risky solutions to handling the current problem. You could blame the mortgage industry.

Ironically, the one person who should be taking responsibility is never mentioned in the blame game. Let me say that I respect President Bush and think that he not only inherited a tough situation, but has also had one of the toughest situations to preside over in decades. At the same time, he is the leader of this country and he sat back just like Congress and ignored it. He also allowed Greenspan to irresponsibly ignite the process through his policy decisions.

Now the Bush administration is practicing moral hazard by setting up a program that will freeze adjustable rate mortgages. Apparently, neither he nor his advisors have a clue as to the domino effect that this type of program will create.

I realize that they have to do something. However, this is not the answer. The answer is to let the irresponsibility work its way through the system. The answer to every problem that the Bush administration has faced has been to put a band-aid on the problem. Band-aid solutions just allow the problem to fester and become an even larger problem later.

I wish that President Bush would look at the reality of the situation. We need to stop tampering with the markets and let them adjust accordingly. We need to set up strict regulation so that the credit industry cannot continue to rip-off the consumer base. Most importantly, someone needs to put politics aside and lead this country.

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