Friday, February 08, 2008

Marketing that is an Insult to your Intelligence

“This just in – The government has been saddled with 1000’s of foreclosed homes and they want to get rid of them. They do not want to be in the business of owning real estate. Now, in this special offer, you can get a list of the homes in your area. We will send you these special lists so that you can buy your home at an incredible value. Now listen to this special instruction. If your name starts with the letters A through N, please call today. If your name starts with the letters M through Z, do not call today. We will not take your call. You can call tomorrow.” – Advertisement heard on the radio

So, I called. Unfortunately, I was calling on the wrong day. I asked the lady why she was taking my information when I wasn’t suppose to be calling. She said that they just say that to control phone call activity. You have to be kidding me.

In the script that she read, she stated that this list contains homes that will be sold for less than $ 1,000. They will even pay your first month’s mortgage payment if you buy from their list. In addition, they will send you all of these special offers. Of course, there is a free trial offer.

If someone could buy a house for under $ 1,000, do you think that they would tell anyone their secret?

Why do I point out something as ridiculous as this marketing message?

I point it out because this company would not be marketing this scam if they weren’t making plenty money. People are falling for this marketing message.

Please don’t keep these businesses in business by falling for their scam. If it sounds too good to be true or even to the extent of being ridiculous, then it probably is too good to be true and it is very ridiculous.

Even if they had a legit service, would you want to do business with anyone who uses sleight of hand marketing?
Copyright © 2008 Prudent Money and Bob Brooks. All rights reserved.